Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Instructional Strategies in the Classroom

Today’s teachers must present information in a variety of ways in order to meet the needs of all the students and not just the majority of students. We must acknowledge and accept that students differ from each other and also learn differently. It is important that teachers learn to be flexible and not try to fit each student into what they might feel is the “perfect mold.” Each student is an individual.
By using technology, teachers are better able to offer variation to their students. A teacher can present new topics using the smart board and a PowerPoint presentation. Class discussion and lectures can be accompanied by videos and other graphics obtained from the Internet. Lessons can be interactive and students can add information to an eBook or a smart board lesson. I feel technology allows teachers to potentially reach all learning styles. Teachers must learn what the students individual needs and learning styles are and address them appropriately so all students are actively engaged in learning. It does take extra time and effort on the teachers’ part, but the end results are very much worth it!


  1. Thanks for sharing your blog post on the value using a variety of instructional strategies in a technology rich learning environment.
    Specific examples of how technology coupled with specific strategies would help to support your cases. For example the use of collaborative learning teams to create Prezi presentations on the value of energy conserving tips would support the social learning, cognitive, and constructivist learning theories we recently explored in the complementary Mod2 assignment.

    I look forward to the coming blog posts.


  2. Thank you. I am not one to use social networks so this is definately a challenge to me!
